Sunday, March 30, 2014

Hot, hot and hotter!

We have arrived in Arnhem Land!!

It was so exciting to be boarding the flight that would take us to the place where we have been planning for so long... As we landed on the Runway, we were surprised to roll past the MAF hangar while our plane came to a stop at the Gove Terminal. The smiling faces of Brett and Michelle Nel and their two beautiful girls met us as we entered the building, and we were blessed to have them drive us to our new home for three weeks - "the Hilton" of MAF.

After settling in, we awoke to the cheery Red Fulton, who is showing us around the area, and to some of her favourite spots! We went to church in Yirrkala with her and her family, and then had an afternoon with the Nels - I was so grateful for the "proper" coffee Brett made! We are really loving the sense of friendship and community that we have already after only a few days.

Now we have had a chance to spend a little time seeing Yirrkala and Nhulunbuy and getting used to the area... So very soon we will see a bit more of what MAF does!

Till next time,

Kimberley & David

Monday, March 24, 2014

Head in the clouds

Yesterday I had the priviledge of being in the backseat as my Dave was flying. It was an evaluation of search and rescue skills, along with various other things that were all "pilot-speak" (so Greek to me).

As we flew up, over and around the terrain surrounding the Mareeba base I was amazed by the difference in the topography here. Not only is the environment an entirely different colour, but it is so incredibly flat.

About 20 minutes into the flight, the assessor mentioned that the type of grassy bush that we were flying over was very similar to that in Arnhem Land, and I was suddenly so very excited! It is a comparatively short time until we go now... And Dave has just a few modules to complete before we can go! This process has felt incredible long, and yet I know that when I look back it will seem like it passed in the blink of an eye. We have learnt a lot, about each other and the mission we will be flying for, we have seen the power of prayer at work, and we have been able to actively step out of our comfort zones and see how God is there, right in the middle of it all!

Soon we will be in Arnhem Land, and there is a lot of uncertainty... But one thing is certain, and that us that when God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:28-31)

Bless you guys!


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Only 8 Days left in Cairns!

I only just realized how little time we have left when confirming our plans for the weekend! This time here in Cairns has been so lovely for us. I can't believe how quickly it is all flying by! Dave has been able to enjoy getting up flying almost every day, and the accommodation at Treetops has been fantastic.

We both have been able to get opportunities to visit some beautiful places nearby as friends have given us rides to see the sights (such as the local wildlife and nature) and we are so grateful for each new experience as we go along. We can't help but feel like this part of the adventure is definitely the "honeymoon" stage! 

The weather here is also a good prelude of what is to come, we have been adjusting to the humidity and heat while still blessed to have the Treetops pool nearby to refresh us at the end of each day, it is also an awesome place to have fellowship with the other people staying here, as a few of them are also preparing to go to the same place as us, it's a great time to get to know each other without the distances of different bases between us!

Soon we will be up in the "great dusty yonder" but for now, it has been great to get through the "technicalities" with Dave's flying, and also sorting out some of the legal, medical and financial bumps in the road while still connected with internet and other facilities (like shops, banks and after-hours clinics!)

I have had opportunities to catch up with friends and family online which has been lovely as this first chapter draws to a close... do drop by on Skype sometime, we love to make time... even if we are 3 hours behind you!

In closing, we are looking forward to our final 8 days here and will be making the most of it... but we also are very excited to be looking at the next adventure as it comes along quickly! Stay in touch and we will write again soon :)

Love you all!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

I am often reminded that it's the small things that make the greatest impact on us. Whether its the little kindnesses we receive, or the delights that take us by surprise. I certainly didn't anticipate one of those delights being revealed to me as I squealed with happiness to see that there was BUTTER and MARMALADE in the grocery bag that our neighbor dropped into our house before she jet-sets off to Asia. I had a similar experience when my neighbor on the other side left me a small box of loose leaf tea... and now it's got me thinking. Other than the obvious sign that the normal aspects of a good old fashioned British breakfast seem to delight me, there is something to be said for sharing the things that bring you joy, with those around you.

Having these small surprises in life really boost our mood and help us to see life in a lighter perspective. I am making it a personal mission to attempt to find ways to sneak these small bolts of happiness lightening into the lives of those around me. The first step in this is by simply being aware of them and what impacts them, stirring up their joy and what the bible calls "spurring one another on to good deeds" because its really the small things that help inspire us to keep that joy moving onto others.

It is a few more weeks before we disappear up into the back blocks of Australia, and before we go I am determined that there must be a few ways that I can experiment these little lightening bolts before I go. I encourage you, reader, to do the same! Find some ways that you can shoot happiness-bolts into the lives of those around you, and take the opportunity when it comes. It usually is an unexpected person that receives these... so beware of the joy-wielding power that a simple magazine and chocolate can bestow on a tired out mum, or the grin of delight that movie tickets can bring to an overworked bloke... there are of course hundreds of other ways to do this, but as mine consisted of second-hand butter and marmalade, I am sure that you can get creative and find something that equally suits you.

Bless you all,